Whistler Pride Love

As we count down to our big celebration of 25 years of Whistler Pride, we are looking for some stories we can share as we reflect on how Whistler’s annual Gay Ski Week has shaped and changed lives.

Whistler Pride began in 1992 out of the love and passion of being our authentic selves and has continued on that path since. Over the years we had a few different brands from Out on the Slopes – Atlitude, Gay Ski Week, GayWhistler Ski Week, WinterPRIDE to now the Whistler Pride and Ski Festival. Many of the festival guests have found their loves for the day, the week and some lucky enough for a life time. As we count down to #WhistlerPride25 we are looking for stories, photos, and videos on Whistler Pride Love. Do you have a story to share? Photos or video? We want to hear from you. Please use the form below or email dean@whistlerpride.com #LoveWins use the form below or visit: http://bit.ly/WP25Love